Welcome to

Live, Love & Give


Brief introduction to LLG and what we focus on.

Welcome to Live, Love and Give, a registered non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities in Sri Lanka. Our goal is to provide immediate relief, education and long term resources to help communities reach their full potential. With the help of dedicated volunteers, generous donors and our hardworking team, we are working towards a future where every individual has access to the opportunities they deserve. Let’s work together to create a better world for generations to come.

The Problem

The overall problem faced by many underprivileged communities in Sri Lanka is poverty and lack of access to basic needs and opportunities. This has made a profound impact on the following areas

Quality of life

Poverty and lack of resources impact every aspect of daily life, from access to food and shelter to emotional and psychological well-being.

Economic development

Without access to resources and opportunities, local businesses and industries are unable to grow, hindering overall economic progress.

Limited access

 Limitations in education and job training opportunities make it difficult for individuals to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to improve their standards of living.

Inadequate infrastructure

Limited housing and limited access to basic necessities, like clean water, electricity and transportation, have made it difficult for individuals to work and care for their families.

Our Solutions

As a humanitarian organisation we believe we play a critical role in helping underprivileged communities. By working to address the root causes of poverty and lack of opportunities, we hope to empower individuals and communities to overcome the challenges they face and improve their standards of living.

Our numbers that speak​

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

0 +
Families Helped
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Food Provided
Our Partners